In Learning Lounges innovative, even playful furniture solutions encourage not only creative relaxation, but also self-directed studying, alone or in groups. Students can customize their study environment by rearranging modular furniture pieces. Additionally, integrated technology supports interactive learning experiences within the space.

Independent work
Solutions for independent work in Learning Lounges not only bolster students personal learning pathways but also foster self-directed and insightful learning. By offering enriched opportunities for independent and focused work, these solutions empower every individual to reach their fullest potential.

Learning Lounges offer an optimal environment for fostering teamwork and collaboration among students. These spaces provide ample room for co-teaching and flexible grouping, enabling students to collaborate in diverse ways. By offering the option for teamwork in Learning Lounges, students have the chance to elevate their autonomy and accountability levels. This encourages them to take ownership of their learning journey and collaborate effectively to achieve their goals.

Adaptable solutions in Learning Lounges can be swiftly and creatively tailored to the unique needs of various groups or pair-work. This invites students to assume ownership of their learning environment and motivates them to actively design and develop their own learning space.

Relaxation zones within Learning Lounges serve various purposes for the community, both during and outside of school hours. Unwinding in these lounges not only adds to the enjoyment of learning but also cultivates a culture of collaboration within the learning community.

Storage solutions
In the Learning Lounges, creatively designed pedagogical storage solutions not only provide space for storing items but also serve as environments for learning and meeting with others.

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