Klaipeda Ernestas Galvanauskas Vocational Training Centre got impressed by high quality and expertize

Klaipeda Ernestas Galvanauskas Vocational Training Centre in the Western Lithuania Region has long-lived vocational training experience. The Centre provides initial, continuing vocational training, vocational rehabilitation, driver training, and non-formal adult education.

With an emphasis on high quality, they chose ISKU to furnish different types of classrooms, an auditorium, lounge areas, and spaces for teachers. The customer also valued ISKU’s competence in creating modern, smart learning and innovation environments with pedagogy-driven design.

About Klaipeda Ernestas Galvanauskas Vocational Training Centre

The activity strategy of the Klaipeda Ernestas Galvanauskas Vocational Training Centre is based on the perspective analysis of the region’s development. The centre is aiming to become an effective and modern vocational training institution developing and consistently implementing vocational training, oriented to the trends of economic activity marketable in the region. The quality of training is determined by material and technical conditions, which are improved by updating the teaching content and investing in the working conditions of the employees.

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