Taatila school

Taatila School is a prime example of a Finnish local school with pupils from kindergarten children to sixth grade. The design project of the facilities and furniture for the Taatila School relied heavily on the needs of users: the school staff participated actively in designing the facilities and finding ideas for furniture solutions at every stage of the project. At the beginning of the design process, the staff studied learning environment solutions in various reference projects. Next, the quality of the products was examined in a showroom and during a visit to the Lahti factory. Ideas and wishes were refined into choices in the course of joint workshops targeted at finding the best furniture solutions to support different styles of teaching and learning.

The guiding principle of the design process was to create a fresh-looking, inspiring, dynamic and imaginative environment that highlights the beautiful architecture of the building. Thanks to its large windows, the building is very well lit. For this reason, it was hoped that the colours of furniture could also be crispy and airy. The excellent acoustics of the Taatila School building are supported by the surface materials of carpets, upholstered furniture and acoustic panels on the wall.

The decor was chosen to lend itself to a wide variety of different work situations for both pupils and teachers. Every room can be quickly adapted to the particular learning situation: desks can be stacked away and seats can be hung on the wall with magnets. The furniture is not bound to any particular room: stacked items with wheels and harmonious colour themes can be moved freely and easily from one room to another. The needs of users of different ages were also taken into account and the rooms are now equipped with versatile, adjustable furniture solutions suitable for groups of all ages. Functional interior decoration solutions were found for different classrooms, corridors and halls, group work spaces, the dining hall and the library. The purpose of the selected furniture is to support pupils’ growth into physically agile and active citizens.

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