Spinverse renewed not only the environment, but also its work culture

Spinverse helps its customers with innovation projects. The main work of the company’s 60 employees is to innovate, to idea and to challenge, which also requires an innovative and inspirational work environment. Spinverse’s new premises in Keilaniemi, Espoo, support working in a variety of ways and enable celebrating successes!

The exceptional year made Spinverse to think where and how to work

During the challenging and exceptional year of 2020, Spinverse grew and recruited 15 new employees. Along with the growth the old work environment was too small and expectations for new office spaces were high. Previously the company had clear instructions for working remotely one day a week. The COVID-19 year provided a different perspective on working as they realized that for different people the most suitable ways of working are different. There was a desire to enable various ways of working, even after it would be possible for people to get back to the office environment.

“We are changing – and the premises need to change, too. The role of the office is to serve employees and provide them with the best possible place to innovate and to be inspired. The office has all the necessary furniture and equipment so that each of us can succeed in our work. And best of all, people come to the office to meet wonderful colleagues”, says Laura Koponen, CEO of Spinverse.

So that everyone can work in the way that suits them best, the company had some expectations for the new facilities:

  • Small meeting rooms where you can innovate together or have remote meetings in the future, as well
  • A common living room where you can meet and enjoy the company of colleagues
  • More places to work temporarily outside the actual work area
  • Different types of seats with good ergonomics for workstations
  • Kitchen and living areas where people can spend time also outside working hours
  • Functional and intact furniture from the old premises to be brought into the new work environment

Every employee is provided with the best framework for success

Special attention was paid to the acoustics, color scheme and the ergonomics of the office. The interior design of the new office was created to match the colors of the brand. Attention was also paid to the office passageways, and the office floor guides to move from the entrance towards the hangers. The soft carpet together with upholstered furniture enhance the acoustics of the spaces.

“We have people of all ages and heights at work and everyone has their own needs with regards to office furniture. That’s why we wanted to invest in good workplace ergonomics and choose from a wide variety of different seating options. This way everyone can find the best seat for themselves and with the help of the electric table, you can adjust the table to the right height”, Laura Koponen says.

Coziness and living room atmosphere played a major role in making the office comfortable. Large green plants and the Naava plant wall bring naturalness and liveliness to the space. Spinverse wanted large sofas for the staff to be able to get together. Two large movable screens, together with movable Kivikko seats enable versatile use of the shared space.

“Our office is wonderful! We wanted the large shared space to be a versatile area for working and spending time with co-workers. We can’t wait to host a housewarming party for our staff or to have toast together to celebrate successes”, Laura rejoices.