Employee health cannot be purchased. However, ISKU+ antimicrobial solutions bring well-being to all workplaces. Sick leaves generate significant costs for employers every year. These costs can be dramatically reduced with antimicrobial contact surfaces. Choosing antimicrobial furniture is a long-term investment in health and well-being, resulting in economic prosperity. ISKU+ also conveys a firm signal of caring.
To share our expertise, we’ve created an e-book that explains how furniture solutions can help create safe environments for work, learning, and healthcare. In the following sneak peeks, you’ll find a brief introduction to the key themes. You can read and download the entire e-book below.

Proven efficacy against infections
Every day, we come into contact with contaminated surfaces. ISKU+ antimicrobial materials cut down infection routes, increasing cleanliness and creating a more hygienic environment. Our solutions have been shown to drastically reduce the spread of infections, adding value, especially in the healthcare sector, work environments, schools, and other interiors that gather multiple users and encounters within a day.
Did you know that the average desktop collects around 10 million bacteria on its surface?
This is 100 times more than a kitchen table and 400 times more than a toilet seat. The COVID-19 pandemic has made us all aware of the power of microbes, and even as the world gradually returns to a more normal direction, it’s the ‘new normal’ where we need to find new solutions to stay safe in shared spaces.

Reducing sick leaves increases productivity
Reducing sick leave increases productivity, and in workplaces, all measures to reduce sick leave and related costs are welcomed warmly by both employers and employees. According to OECD statistics, there are, on average, slightly more than ten working days missed annually per employee due to illness. This creates a global impediment to productivity. Clinical research has proven the impact of ISKU+ antimicrobial technologies in reducing infection rates in different environments.

A touch of silver keeps the doctor away
Mankind has been using antimicrobial materials for thousands of years. Among the oldest and best-known antimicrobial materials are inherently antimicrobial silver and copper, which ISKU also utilizes in its antimicrobial solutions. ISKU has been studying the use of antimicrobial technologies in its research and product development projects since 2013, making it the first furniture manufacturer in the world to produce entire ranges of antimicrobial furniture.

ISKU+ fights contagion
Sneezing, coughing, sniffing, and nausea – you can easily notice when the flu season and microbes have arrived at the workplace or school. Intensified handwashing and cleaning help prevent the spread of infections, but furniture can also play a major role in this. ISKU+ antimicrobial furniture is the same and manufactured with the tested materials as other ISKU furniture, with the permanent antimicrobial feature added.
The key benefits of ISKU+
Overall, ISKU+ antimicrobial technologies can reduce microbes by up to 99.99%, making it highly efficient in fighting infections. ISKU+ options are available for the entire collection of ISKU’s standard products. The antimicrobial efficacy doesn’t decay over time but works tirelessly 24/7 to combat infections. It is a proven, research-based solution tested according to ISO 22196. ISKU+ furniture is environmentally friendly and tested to be safe.