Press Release, 8 June 2022
ISKU’s responsibility work has long been based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed by the UN member states. The SDGs aim to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030, promote equality and justice, and protect the planet. The United Nations Global Compact initiative provides a framework for companies to ambitiously advance these goals. In addition, the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, based on international agreements, provide a timeless and solid foundation for responsibility work.
“By joining the initiative, we want to show even stronger our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Ten Principles of the Global Compact. We also want to openly report on our progress in corporate sustainability in accordance with the Global Compact’s reporting framework”, says Kaisa Vuori, ISKU’s Director of Sustainability.
The UN Global Compact is a UN challenge for the business world. It is a voluntary, global initiative for companies and other organizations to promote corporate sustainability. The initiative provides a framework for sustainability as well as the sustainability principles and goals which are known throughout the world.
“Responsibility is about taking actions, as the Finnish company ISKU has shown already for long. It is great that ISKU is now even more strongly committed to promoting and developing the environmental, social, and economic responsibility, utilizing the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We warmly welcome ISKU to the world’s largest corporate sustainability network!” says Marja Innanen, the Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Network Finland.
The world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative is represented by more than 160 countries and over 15,000 companies globally, of which over 170 are Finnish organizations.
“ISKU wants to be a pioneer in the field of responsibility. We have invested in responsibility for years, which is reflected in concrete actions. We rejoice that the ISKU factory in Lahti, Finland has become a benchmark for responsible manufacturing operations. Continuing our actions on responsibility, we will soon be providing our customers with furniture that are manufactured using solar power as one of Finland’s largest solar power parks will be completed next to the ISKU factory during the summer 2022!”, describes Arto Tiitinen, CEO of ISKU.
For more information
Kaisa Vuori, Director, Sustainability, ISKU, Tel. +358 50 341 0233, kaisa.vuori@isku.com
Arto Tiitinen, CEO, ISKU, Tel. +358 400 566 875, arto.tiitinen@isku.com
ISKU is a Finnish family-owned company established by Eino Vikström in 1928 in Lahti, Finland. Its products and services are renowned for their high quality. ISKU designs and develops, manufactures, and markets furniture, services and comprehensive interior solutions for homes, schools, offices, healthcare facilities as well as for all public spaces. In Finland, ISKU has a number of its own sales and service centers. In addition to the extensive service network in Finland, ISKU operates in the Nordics, the Baltics, France, Poland, Kazakhstan, and the Middle East, and is involved in various projects all around the world. ISKU has centralized its production to Lahti, Finland. ISKU‘s quality, environmental management and safety systems have been certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45 001 standards. Today, all of ISKU’s production is PEFC certified. This means that all wood used in the production comes from sustainably and responsibly managed forests and the raw material’s chain of custody is known. www.isku.com