Ernst & Young

The Ernst & Young office building, known as the “EY-talo”, is located opposite of Finlandia Hall in Töölönlahti. The cornerstone of the interior design process was to create a comfortable, creative and open working environment with spaces for meetings, group work and for concentration. Encounters and collaboration are promoted through the spatial design and the selected furnishing solutions.

An internal project team from Ernst & Young was actively involved in the design process working with the employees to ensure the sufficiency and functionality of spatial and furnishing solutions for their needs. The comfortable environment where good ergonomics and work station equipment have been emphasized support EY’s operating methods. The project also featured several custom solutions such as personal lockable storage lockers, to meet the employees’ needs.

ISKU provided EY the overall service, which included not only furnishing deliveries, but also the recycling of old furniture, removal services and the electrification work required for work stations and lighting. The cooperation was very flexible and solution-oriented. The feedback from EY after the process was positive highlighting the availability of relevant information on materials and pricing and the entire order-delivery-maintenance process that was carried out smoothly.